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Introducing Rate Speeches: What Is It and How Does It Work?
Life and Style Daily
July 09, 2020
2 min

Do you love speeches? Are you looking for some speech topics and resources to help with your speech? Or would like to listen, rate, and share your thoughts about speeches, speakers, and public speaking with others from across the globe? If your answer is yes, keep on reading.

In this post, we will talk about Rate Speeches: What is it, who is it for, how does it work, and more.

What Is Rate Speeches?

Rate Speeches is an online service website where people can give or receive feedback on public speaking and presentation skills.

It is where you rate and evaluate various speakers, as well as public speaking, oratory, and any type of speech and presentation like business, oral or visual presentation delivered by diverse people in any field, such as business, education, healthcare, politics, religion, technology, and many more across the globe.

Rating Speeches: How does it Work?

All speakers and speeches at Rate Speeches are rated based on four different criteria, including content, delivery, overall, visuals. The first three criteria are used for rating speeches and presentations, while the visuals criterion only applies to rate presentations since not all talks include visuals.

Moreover, this platform has four rating functions such as ‘Rate speech,’ ‘Rate speaker,’ ‘Find speech’ and ‘Find speaker’. It also has an ‘add a speaker’ and ‘add a speech’ feature, which lets you scrutinize and rate the delivery of a particular speaker or how well a specific speech has been written.

Who Should Use It?

Rate Speeches is very useful for speakers and presenters in particular as they can discover their audiences’ reactions and use the ratings and reviews they received to enhance their strengths and work better on their weaknesses. They can estimate their rankings as well.

On the other hand, unlike rating and ranking, most of the evaluating of speeches and presentations are generally performed by people with knowledge and skills in public speaking or presentation, such as public speaking and presentation-skill experts, instructors, professors, teachers, students, and other professionals.

What Is Speech Evaluator?

Rate Speeches uses what they call the ‘Speech Evaluator’ ---an immersive, digital, online public speaking and presentation skills evaluation generator that is used to evaluate live or recorded speeches and presentations quickly and conveniently.

In the Speech Evaluator, you can create comments by simply using single mouse clicks or keyboard shortcuts when viewing them. Built-in comment descriptions speed up the evaluation process and provide the speaker with informative and comprehensive information. Comments are timestamped and the evaluator may add additional annotations as well.

Get Free Speech Templates from Rate Speeches

Lastly, what makes Rate Speeches so helpful is that it can provide you with a template that you can use if you are tasked to write or deliver a speech. You can choose how you want your argument to be delivered and the website has it all prepared for you. Hence, if you are someone that needs to give a speech or a presentation, check out Rate Speeches’ available templates to make writing one significantly easy.

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